Welcome to the new home of The Lockout Weekly, for the old home, a fine group of people, click here.
What we Are:
The Lockout Weekly is a parody newspaper run by CairoCat. With stories in-universe mostly. Occasionally we will have special events such as photo contests, videos, and interviews (mostly for halodays), and some of those are real world.
When we Post:
As we have just finished the archiving process, we will begin posting as normal. You can look for ThunderCavalier's Omega Squad about once every two weeks. You can also look for TLW news updates on saturdays and 4th Monday Machinima Reviews on the 4th Monday of every month. For holidays there will sometimes be a special issue.
If you want to help:
Unfortunately, there is no 'subscription' currently to TLW, as all stories are free, but you can just ask to be a writer. Let me go over the writer's policies now.
1. You do not have to send articles on a regular schedule, you can send them to me whenever you like, however they must be posted on the correct posting day by me. If it doesn't show up in a couple weeks, ask me and I will post it (or give you a reason why I didn't).
2. You do not have to write the whole article. If you thought up a good idea but you're not the best journalist, shoot it to me and I'll write it up and give you half credit.
3. You need a Blogger account WITH a profile picture and you must be a follower of this blog. I do not want anonymous users editing.
If you want to be a writer, shoot me an email at thecairocat@gmail.com