Saturday, February 28

Omega Squad Report 9: Sandbox: Foundry Future or Big Team Blowout?

I have braved the depths of which no Sangheili had ever ventured.

I have traversed and mapped the most treacherous deserts, descended to th
e darkest crypts, and ascended to the heavens above.

I have fought against watchtowers and other worthy claimers of the title Forge King.

Who am I? I am Grundo 'Fishon. Hi, everyone!

Anyway, you've probably heard of Sandbox, right? It's supposed to be a Foundry in Sandtrap form, which seems to being really retarded to some people. However, is that true? Is this really a Big Team Blunder, another map whose sole purpose of notable combat relies on the now-dead playlist?

Well, let's look at it, shall we?

First off, you don't have the top layer to work with, which is already expansive. The top layer, which most people usually see of Sandbox, is literally a bunch of Forerunner Forgable objects. It is actually recommended to move all of the stuff you don't want, should you want to make a set for the greatest CTF or the most epic Infection game ever, you should just throw it somewhere to take care of it later.

However, you should m
ind where you throw your trash. Sandbox is bordered by menacing watchtowers managed by the Guardians themselves. Should you tarry too far into the dusty hills above, they shall look into the heart of scenery and forger alike.

And what will they do?

Anyway, since you're well aware of the consquences of failure, let's move on to the darkest depths. If you remember Sandtrap's small passages within the structures buried in the sand, then you'll have an idea of what the Crypt is. However, what IS the Crypt?

That's simple enough to answer. Those passages in Sandtrap, only they're as large as the entire ******* Foundry map!!! Is that enough for you to know? How about the fact that it's completely made with Grifball in mind, which means that soon enough, you'll be playing your favorite game of smacking Grifs and bombing bases right in the heart of the Forger paradise.

That enough for you? Well, it is about the size of Foundry, which means that, in essence, it IS Foundry. Never again will you be plagued by the need to go from separate map to separate map if you specifically need Foundry for your baes, as now Foundry is right underneath your feet.

How do you get here, you ask? In the center of the Sandbox, you'll find a large, about medium-sized Forgable block. Delete it, move it, bomb it, it doesn't matter. Below it lies the Crypt.

Now, what are the heavens above? They are the Sky Bubble!

... Ok, I'm well aware that the Sky Bubble is arguably the dumbest name ever concieved for this, but here's why. You know Guardian, Blackout, all of those special maps that have the bottomless pit of despair looming its large fog over you. Well, now you have it, minus the fog. Venture high above Sandtrap to find this griddy piece of art, and I mean griddy. Like the Crypt, the Sky Bubble has a grid made to help line up things. Here, you can make your very own floating paradise.

... Just don't fall. The first floating object you make creates the Death Barrier, so for any saps that feel like free-falling, you're not getting up when you hit the bottom... Hypothetically saying that you actually hit the bottom.

After reviewing the facts, what is it? Sandbox is more than the spiritual successor to Foundry. It is the newest love for all Forgers, Machinimators, and Matchmakers alike. With all of the places linked via a teleporter, you could have a game of Shotty Snipers in the heavens above, a game of Sandtrap Heavies readied on ground level, and a match of Grifball set up... all in the same map! How's that for convenience!

Sandbox gets this Sangheili's rating of 10/10. When you get the Mythic Map Pack, folks, go here first.

That's an order.

Grundo 'Fishon

Tuesday, February 24

Locust on Strike for Inclusion in ODST - ''The Lockout Weely''

Word just got out today that the Locust, the ONLY Covenant vehicle introduced newly in Halo Wars, is going on strike until it's inclusion in Halo 3: ODST. It has strictly refused to fight and will not obey the player's commands when they attempt to move it around the map. They will not ever go to the proper rally points, much to the frustration of the Heroic player about to launch his final assault on an enemy base. Ensemble employees have attempted to coax it with bribes of upgrades in DLC, but it claims that only inclusion in what it (to the offense of many an Ensemble employee) calls a 'real' Halo game, the nearest one being ODST. It was about to be persuaded with a cameo in a cutscene by Bungie, when Jason Jones joined the party and said (quote) "What the -blam!- is that -blam!- -blam!- little freaky crawling Banshee thing with the -blam!- on top and the four -blam!- underneath!"

This ended negotiations.

Currently the UNSC are overjoyed that the Covenant's most cost efficient (for these hard financial times) building killer unit is on strike, and are trying as hard as they can to insult it so as to stop any agreements. Master Chief even found a way to enter a custom game and taunt it with the fact that it has no -blam!-, -blam!-, -blam!-, SMG, -blam!-, or Gravity Drive so it doesn't even look like the Covenant Vehicles.

More on this later, but for now, this is Rtan 'Sansee signing out.

Monday, February 9

Omega Squad Report 8: Large Kittens with Nailguns are NOT in High Demand

Says me, your favorite Unggoy. Pancho here. You've missed me, right?


You're lucky I can't use an Energy Sword.

Anyway, as you probably know, the Human-Covenant War's long over and we've gone home to our normal lives... sorta. We've recently created the Union of Nations and Specific Civilizations, otherwise known as the UNSC, and so far us Unggoys, the Kig-Yars with their large shields and Type-25 Pistols, the Lekgolos and their Mgalekgolo infantry, and the Yanme'es with their wings and all have joined up with the Humans and Sangheilis.

However, it's not all fun and games out here in the galaxy. The URF, otherwise known as the malevolent United Rebel Frotn is as persistant and irritating as ever, striking at the UNSC (United Nation Space Command) and the UNSC (Union of Nations and Specific Civilizations) with little, if any relent to their counter-attacks. Right now, though, the Sangheilis have sent a legion of Special Operation Officers to neutralize the threat, so I don't think we'll be hearing from then for a while.

However, that's not why this is here. The denizens of Doisac, the ruthless, barbaric Jiralhanaes, have created a rival faction, The Devout Remants, and they've so far been nothing more than a pain in the ***. It didn't become a big deal until the International Trade Agreement of 2553, where we had agreed to a trade agreement between Earth, Sanghelios, and Balaho, with the Kig-Yars, Mgalekgolos, and Yanme'es going to the nearest planets to set up trade outposts in them. Therefore, we all prospered. This wasn't such a big deal until the Second Battle of Balaho, where the Jiralhanaes descended upon one of our prominant trade outposts and decimated it.

We, of course, repelled the invaders as we are one of the most superior fighters in the galaxy, but the economy was severely crippled. Since then, the Jiralhanes have waged a guerrilla war on our trade routes until the UNSC, the UNSC, and the Sangheilis were forced to intervene.

Since then, the battles have been waged from the scarred planets of Reach and Harvest, the tranquil worlds of Balaho and Sanghelios, and their festering hive of Doisac. The void of space is now strewn with debris and corpses alike as we fight against the nasty brutes, though holding a guresome stalemate.

So, remember this. The next time you travel to Sanghelios, keep your weapon loaded and watch out for rogue Banshees. Those Jiralhanaes have no sense of courtesy.

This is Pancho, and I hope you heed my advice.


Monday, February 2

Omega Squad Report 7: OMG 7!!!

OMG 7!!!

Ok, this is a letter from the editor, Hando Elita Kazaru. I know what you're thinking. You're wondering why there's an editor, am I right? Well, I'm here mainly to make sure that things are following. For instance, if we need to go on a hiatus or celebrate a sevenversity, such as today, then I'll pop in.

You're probably wondering why 7 is such a big deal, right? Well, in case you didn't know, 7 is one of the numbers used constantly in the Haloverse. As such, 7 is a time of prosperity, celebration, and other 7 related material.

Now, to finish up, since the material I will post will eat up most of your time, I will show you 7 YouTube Halo vids in celebration for this monumentous event.

Sound of Halo 3:

Never Too Late HMV:

The Mombasa Massacre:

The Hacker:

Halo Movie Trailer (Fake):

Halo 300:

Spriggs Episode 13:

Enjoy the 7 vids and have a happy sevenversity! Pancho'll be back next week with the newest report.

Hando Elita Kazaru