Tuesday, February 24

Locust on Strike for Inclusion in ODST - ''The Lockout Weely''

Word just got out today that the Locust, the ONLY Covenant vehicle introduced newly in Halo Wars, is going on strike until it's inclusion in Halo 3: ODST. It has strictly refused to fight and will not obey the player's commands when they attempt to move it around the map. They will not ever go to the proper rally points, much to the frustration of the Heroic player about to launch his final assault on an enemy base. Ensemble employees have attempted to coax it with bribes of upgrades in DLC, but it claims that only inclusion in what it (to the offense of many an Ensemble employee) calls a 'real' Halo game, the nearest one being ODST. It was about to be persuaded with a cameo in a cutscene by Bungie, when Jason Jones joined the party and said (quote) "What the -blam!- is that -blam!- -blam!- little freaky crawling Banshee thing with the -blam!- on top and the four -blam!- underneath!"

This ended negotiations.

Currently the UNSC are overjoyed that the Covenant's most cost efficient (for these hard financial times) building killer unit is on strike, and are trying as hard as they can to insult it so as to stop any agreements. Master Chief even found a way to enter a custom game and taunt it with the fact that it has no -blam!-, -blam!-, -blam!-, SMG, -blam!-, or Gravity Drive so it doesn't even look like the Covenant Vehicles.

More on this later, but for now, this is Rtan 'Sansee signing out.

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